Tuesday, 10 September 2013

A Thorn in a Room Full of Daisies

Wow. I have no idea what I'm doing but this blog is getting a lot more views than I had expected. A lot more. Anyways...

The past few weeks I haven't been working on my assignments at all because my parents had a massive fight and I was caught in the middle. As usual. All those Psychosocial Care lessons I turned up to taught me not to get your children involved in fights. Including being the messenger. Ok yes that was aimed at younger children but I seriously did not want to get involved! But they involved me anyway. So I was stuck running messages from mum in the kitchen to dad in the lounge room. The lounge and the kitchen are literally 2 metres apart. Then a week ago the fight escalated. My parents aren't the type who throw dishes or things so none of that happened but they were all verbal. Very verbal. So verbal I could hear them a couple of streets away. That then ended with mum disappearing for a whole day and dad off who knows where for the entire day too. After that the argument got even worse.

Then suddenly it got better a few days ago. I'm glad that's over now but I'm currently stuck with 3 assessments that I haven't completed and they are all due in the next week. I know, what the heck are you doing, sitting here typing away at a blog that isn't even marked/ interesting/ whatever you want to describe it? Well because I just finished a massive 2000 word workbook in 2 days and a 28 page lab booklet in 1 and a half days. Now I feel too burnt up to even read the rest of my assessments. I still feel burn out and I've been procrastinating for the last 7 hours -ish. Yeah I ended up spending wayyy too much time in front of the tv. Admittedly it did feel good. I haven't been watching actual tv in a long while...

For some crazy reason I haven't yet decided on... but I started thinking around an hour ago and I began to think absolutely weird things... Then I came to the realisation that I seem to be liking people who's name starts with the letter S. It's not even restricted to guys. Yes I do have a few girl-fan obsessed crushes... I mean... Who doesn't have some sort of a crush on Stana Katic! #Hairporn and every other #Cute tag out there!

Well I guess I better return to the rest of my assessments...

On a really weird note... Not that I'm a fan of Awkward but I've been typing this blog exactly like Jenna's voice over thing she does when she's blogging. How weird...

Another note... Not edited... Don't have the concentration right now to edit...

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